Since its legalization, buying weed online in Canada has never really peaked. Although most regions feature online cannabis shops that are appealing and generally well-stocked , very few customers seem to prefer to utilize them.

Many people still prefer to buy weed at physical stores for various reasons. Here are some of the main ones.

Seeing and smelling the weed

Weed is a sensory good. In most provinces, if one visits a shop, they can view and smell the products, which can be an element of the buying process. Similar to grocery shopping, you want to examine and handle the vegetables; that way, you can obtain information that is unavailable online.

Both seasoned and novice purchasers buying weed online in Canada desire to touch and smell the weed; beginners do not know what they’re looking at and want to understand further, and seasoned ones do. On the other hand, some are knowledgeable about weed and want to learn much, just as you might want to visit a wine shop and learn a little more about your wine. Marijuana Mail Order companies have tight concealed bags to travel so that you can’t smell the weed.


Online buying is practical but leaves a persistent data trail across several locations. Purchasing in physical outlets can be done discreetly and with cash. You must show your ID in a shop, but your presence is wholly forgotten once that is done. You might hand over money and take your simple packaging as you leave. Although anyone can see you enter and exit the shop, nothing is monitored.

You must register for an online account and use a credit card to complete the transaction when making purchases online. Two digital records might be used to find you if you buy Best Mercedes Hash Canada. Among the repercussions is a travel ban to nations where weed usage is prohibited. Since marijuana was legalized, several documented cases of Canadians being barred from entering certain countries.

Speaking with a person

People who have never used weed before or whose previous encounter was a vaguely recalled incident from a while back desire assistance. And a webpage won’t fill that job, despite its fancy visuals. Information is what customers are searching for. They shop online, but they are still determining what they should get.

Even if there are all these alternatives, there is seldom any advertising that would inform consumers and suggest which one is best for a high or a buzz, for example. If I’m searching for a product with this result, one approach to learning more about what I might enjoy is to visit a store and speak with the salespeople.

While it is clear that the online approach to the sale of weed is not the most preferred at the moment, those involved can do a lot to improve their service and therefore boost their sales. Until then, Canadians would rather walk to their favourite store to get the product.

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